

[Funny little Sharktoling boy, always trying to make everyone smile. He lived in a loving home, but things change, so he had to flee to Forgotten Shoal for safety.

There is where he met Molly. She soon became one of his best friends. He had a new home, and a new society. Things are better now.

Pilot came soon after that, and he befriended her very quickly.

Since his migration, he's been trying his hardest to make sure his friends are happy. Making them laugh, giving them nicknames, etc.

He cuts his own fins (hair), and it never looks as great as he wants it to. But his friends cheer him up when needed, so it's okay.

His teeth are sharp and so is he! He's energized and ready to fight any threat coming his way, or his friends way.

(Sal also has a VERY COOL tail - molly) ]

End Description.


Sex: Female (prefers "he/him pronouns")

Species: "Sharktoling" (Sharkling-Octoling Hybrid.)

Mental Health: N/A (uncharted, avoids questions)

(Known) Phobias: Glossophobia, Scopophobia


Electra "Selene" Masu


"Pretty cool person! They don't come down much. They really should!!"


Best Friend

She cheered him up when he was upset. He appreciates her.


Best Friend

She helped him into Forgotten Shoal. He appreciates her.